Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The land is found, shelter is found, water is found, but the land is rocky limestone.

It won't grow much!!

how 'bout;

Spirulina - 65 to 71 percent protein, one of the earliest organisms and considered an estremeaphyl
eight essential amino acids are found in Spirulina:

* ISOLEUCINE (4.130/o): Required for optimal growth, intelligence development and nitrogen equilibrium in the body Used to synthesize other non-essential amino acids.
* LEUCINE (5.8001o): Stimulator of brain function, increases muscular energy levels.
* LYSINE (4.000/o): Building block of blood antibodies, strengthens circulatory system and maintains normal growth of cells.
* METHIONINE (2.170/o): Vital lipotropic (fat and lipid metabolizing) amino acid that maintains liver health. An anti-stress factor, it calms the nerves.
* PHENYLALANINE (3.950/o): Required by the thyroid gland for production of thyroxine which stimulates metabolic rate.
* THREONINE (4.170/o): Improves intestinal competence and digestive assimilation.
* TRYPTOPHANE (1.1301o): Increases utilization of B vitamins,improves nerve health and stability of the emotions. Promotes sense of calm.
* VALINE (6.0001o): Stimulates mental capacity and muscle coordination.

Spirulina can be grown in a ten gallon aquarium.

Take out all the stuff inside and save it (it can be used). Put in a sunny place and fill with water.
Put in the Spirulina, you should let set for a day son the chlorine will evaporate (this assumes you are using a public water supply).

There are place to buy Spirulina.
Instead of listing now I want to move on to a couple other points.

You have the LAND, SHELTER. WATER. With water you can also do hydroponics in poor soil. You can grow in 2 liter salvaged coke bottles, buckets and so on.

Al this while you are creating terra preta in a trainable area.
From Wikipedia;
"Terra preta (literally “black earth” in Portuguese) is a type of very dark, fertile anthropogenic soil found in the Amazon Basin. Terra preta owes its name to its very high charcoal content, and was indeed made by adding a mixture of charcoal, bone, and manure to the otherwise relatively infertile Amazonian soil, and stays there for thousands of years.[1] [2] It is also known as “Amazonian dark earth” or “Indian black earth”.:
Left - a nutrient-poor oxisol; right - an oxisol transformed into fertile terra preta

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